The second issue of _SYSTEMCRASH has ended! Now, onto the third issue: _SYSTEMCRASH//INDEX2! Only one page so far but it will grow!
I never intended this crossover comic to have multiple issues. Starting out I never really thought about how many pages it would have, but looking back I think I would have guessed maybe 50. Well now we are on page 108, and the number of pages per issue is so long that I’ve had to update my naming convention.
This should, I think, be the final issue. I think it might be shorter than the other two, but that probably means it will actually be LONGER. When I outline the story I think each scene will only be a page or two, but then when I make the art I end up wanting to show multiple angles of everything and show stuff like severed heads losing their expression as they fade out. So it all ends up being much longer.
Anyway, INDEX2 will continue next week!