The most recent 3 pages of Medal of Battle: Modern Duty — Never Gonna Get It have been altered with additional art. Spoiler alert for those who have not seen the comic yet:
Originally, because I wanted to show the ambush as being extremely sudden, I showed Nadia and Victoria being attacked and then just showed the aftermath of the attacks on Gloria and Olivia. But I did not like the pages as much as I should, and I realized it was because I had skipped half of the fun part.
So I made additional art of Gloria and Olivia being attacked, which also allowed me to spread out some of the interface elements out so they weren’t as crowded. I feel the new pages are much better, maybe even more brutal since they show all the deaths instead of just the aftermath!
Anyway, I am refreshed after taking a break since last month and I’m doing a lot of art. As a welcome back present for my Elite Mobs and Minibosses, here is a frame from the current comic! Level Bosses and Endgame bosses will get a preview of an upcoming comic!